At Dwight MacGillivary we are very proud of the products we produce, and rightly so, our customers tell us all the time how pleased they are and how we have exceeded their expectation. Take a look at our customer comments to see just how pleased our customers are!

The headings to the left are just a small idea of what we can offer you in house. You will see that we are the ideal one stop shop for all your fabricating needs. If quality is your number one concern then you have found what your looking for.

Clicking on Trailer Manufacturing and Log Splitter manufacturing will take you directly to the relevant pages.

Our Friendly helpful staff will be delighted to help you simply
call us now  on 902-392-2997 or
email us with your custom
specs and we would be delighted to quote you for your new
Some Services Offered at Dwight MacGillivary:
Trailer Manufacturing

Trailer Repair

Trailer refurbishment

Log Splitter Manufacturing
Complete line of hydraulic hose

Fittings & Adapters


Press Brake Bending

Band Saw Cutting
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